Shuttle Antigua to La Ceiba, Honduras


Out of stock

Only 01 big bag and 1 handbag allowed . You will be charged extra for more bags (10 USD $ per bag)

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  • The shuttle services need to be reserved 48 hours in advance *Not included the exit fee (5 USD per person) at the border *No shuttle available 25th December and 01th January.
  • First day you will sleep in Hostal Berakah (included in the price) in Copan, next day at 05:00 AM leaves the shuttle to La Ceiba.


Availability: Only Saturday
Departure times: 04:00 AM
Duration: 7 hours first day / 7 hours next day
Its a door to door Service? Yes
Pick up: Your hotel / address in Antigua
Drop off: Hotels in La Ceiba or Ferry boat terminal.
Price 125 USD p.p.

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