• This pre-Columbian site of the Mayan civilization is located in the department of the Petén. It was founded by a branch of the dynasty of the great city of Tikal, going back to the year 629 D.C., in order to control the commercial routes of the Petexbatun region, especially by the Passion River.
  • Aguateca is one of the largest archeological sites of the Petexbatun region, located in the municipality of Sayaxche in the Petén department. Its topography is characterized by a cliff that runs west of the Petexbatun Lagoon. The site itself can be divided into three areas: the epicenter consisting of a palace that is associated with other structures, a causeway and a main square.
  • This tour will take you to the pre-classic archeological site of Uaxactun. It was used as the first astronomy observatory in the Mayan area and is now home to the last traditional Petenera community.

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